Injury Illness Prevention Plan - Flipbook - Page 27
In addition to the General Safety Rules outlined above, the following pages contain
Specific Safety Rules which have been adopted as MINIMUM safety requirements which
must be complied with at all times by all teammates. These Specific Safety Rules are
intended to cover various departments, equipment, and operations to which you or
others under your direction may be exposed as a Teammate or hiree of TEAMWRKX
Construction, Inc.
If you feel your specific work activity has not been adequately addressed in either the
General or Specific Rules, be sure to discuss the safety precautions and safeguards, which
you feel are appropriate with your supervisor BEFORE you needlessly expose yourself or
others to injury.
Whenever a safety procedure has been established, either orally or in writing, you must
obey it. The only exception to this would be in the case of a "life threatening" or
"potentially serious injury" situation where "common sense" dictates temporarily
deviating from established procedure in order to avoid injury.
Accessing a structure under construction poses hazards of its own, and necessary
precautions must be made to ensure the safety of all those accessing the structure in
question and the construction site. First, runways must be established for foot traffic. If
not provided by existing elements of the structure or building, ramps or runways erected
for the use of teammates shall not be less than 20 inches in width and shall be secured
and supported to avoid deflection and springing action. Securely fastened cleats or
alternate methods shall be used on inclined runways sloped two feet in 10 feet or more
to improve the footing. Where cleats are used, they shall be 8 inches or more in length
and nor more than 16 inches apart. And when planks are used for raised walkways,
runways, or sidewalks, they shall be secured against displacement. Planks shall be
uniform in thickness and all exposed ends shall be provided with beveled cleats to prevent
Where ramps are not feasible, ladders and stairways may be used. In all buildings or
structures 2 or more stories or 24 feet or more in height or depth, suitable permanent
or temporary stairways shall be installed per DIR code 1629(b); should the site present
unusual conditions then an alternate effective means of access acceptable to the DIR
can be used. Stairways, ramps or ladders shall be provided at all points where a break in
Revised: October 2023