Injury Illness Prevention Plan - Flipbook - Page 29
o Double cleat ladders shall not exceed 24 feet in length.
Side rails of all ladders shall extend at least 3 feet above the landing or level
they serve.
Ladders and their use shall conform per the purpose the manufacture designed
them for.
If a structure/building is being demolished, then there are several steps that must be
taken to ensure safe access is maintained:
Revised: October 2023
Utility companies shall be notified, and all utility service shut off, capped, or
otherwise controlled, at the building or curb line before starting demolition,
unless it is necessary to use electricity or water lines during demolition. If use is
necessary, the utility services shall be relocated or rearranged as necessary and
protected from physical damage.
o It shall also be determined if any type of hazardous chemicals, gases,
explosives, flammable materials, or similarly dangerous substances
have been used in any pipes, tanks, or other equipment on the
property. When the presence of any such substances is apparent or
suspected, testing and purging shall be performed, and the hazard
eliminated before demolition is started.
o Pipe-covering insulation, steel beam and column fire protection, and
heating, ventilating and air-conditioning duct work shall be surveyed for
Prior to starting demolition operations, all structural or other hazardous
deficiencies noted during the survey required by DIR Section 1734(b)(1) shall
be shored, braced or otherwise corrected as recommended in the survey.
o Walls, which serve as retaining walls to support earth or adjoining
structures, shall not be demolished until the hazard from moving
ground has been eliminated by sloping, shoring or, where necessary,
adjoining structures have been properly underpinned.
o Walls, which are to serve as retaining walls against which debris will be
piled, shall not be so used unless determined to be capable of safely
supporting the imposed load.
o During demolition, continuing inspections shall be made as the work
progresses to detect hazards resulting from weakened or deteriorated
floors or walls, or loosened material.
o Employees shall not be permitted to work where such hazards exist
until they are corrected by shoring, bracing, or other effective means.
In demolishing any building or structure or alteration involving partial
demolition thereof, all material displaced, unless required for reconstruction,
shall be transported immediately to the ground. The amount of material stored
upon any structure, or any portion of such structure, shall not exceed its safe
carrying capacity.