Injury Illness Prevention Plan - Flipbook - Page 46
a lower level (7.5’ per Cal-OSHA standards). Any such fall hazards are to be identified by
a qualified person (TXC Superintendent), who shall then prepare a site safety plan that
will address said fall hazards where they exist. All teammates working on the site must
be debriefed and made aware of the site safety plan, complete with said fall hazards.
In the event a teammate must work in an area where a fall hazard is present due to height
or proximity to a fall hazard without a strong barrier, then the teammate must be
equipped with fall protection equipment. Any and all fall protection equipment used by
TEAMWRKX Construction teammates must be ANSI-certified and also meet industry or
regulatory standards. Furthermore, any and all fall protection should be rigged to limit
free fall distance. Any and all anchorage points considered for the rigging location must
support 5,000 pounds to ensure its ability to hold and limit a falling teammate’s free fall
distance. Additionally, positioning devices like a body belt or body harness (rigged) can be
used, allowing a teammate to be supported on an elevated vertical surface, such as a wall,
and work with both hands free while leaning. Regardless of type, the Positioning System
must be rigged so that only a two (2) foot freefall could occur. This is a rare situation
where body belts are allowed.
In the unfortunate event of a fall, rescue personnel must be summoned to the area
immediately to aid the teammate. Any and all first aid that can be provided will be
provided at the fallen teammate’s consent. Between the arrival of the rescue personnel
and the teammate’s fall, the TXC Superintendent will work with the supervisor of said
teammate and any witnesses to the accident to investigate the incident. OSHA will then
be contacted following the incident for reporting purposes.
Similar to all other items, mandatory OSHA30 training is given and expected of all
TEAMWRKX Construction field teammates, with all office teammates encouraged to take
it. Fall protection is one of the units covered under OSHA30 curriculum, and retraining
shall be provided when deemed necessary by the Chief Safety Officer and her/his Safety
There shall always be a fire extinguisher on-site for every 100 yards in any direction to
mitigate and hopefully eliminate fire hazards. This rule applies to all kinds of TEAMWRKX
Construction jobs, regardless of being a tenant improvement or out-of-ground work. All
TXC Superintendents are trained in the use and maintenance of a fire extinguisher; and
annual training is provided to them, along with all other field teammates and any office
teammates who are interested in learning about operating a fire extinguisher. To properly
maintain the fire extinguishers, annual maintenance checks/inspections are conducted by
a licensed professional. Any and all non-compliant fire extinguishers are to be replaced,
and all inspections are documented.
Revised: October 2023