Injury Illness Prevention Plan - Flipbook - Page 58
o Ensure that any rigging shall be used and/or maintained in accordance
with manufacturer’s recommendations.
Never load rigging equipment in excess of its recommended safe working load,
which shall be marked on the rigging equipment. Proof testing must be done
before usage.
Slings shall not be shortened under any circumstances whatsoever. Rigging is
used and/or maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
If an alloy steel chain sling is being used, the crane operator and rigger must
show records of the most recent month in which each alloy steel chain was
thoroughly inspected and have records available for examination.
Loads shall not be permitted to pass over any teammates, passers-by, or
occupants of a building. There should never be someone underneath the load.
Proper tag lines should be connected.
Establish and maintain effective signaling and communication procedures.
Check all rigging to ensure hooks have safety latches.
Provide and ensure proper use of PPE when rigging or handling material.
TEAMWRKX, Construction, Inc. does not own any mobile equipment, but our teammates
will certainly encounter vendors who bring this equipment to the site and even use said
equipment. Like with all other forms of equipment, mobile equipment must be properly
inspected before use to avoid unnecessary risk and teammate exposure. One key element
to inspect for is if the mobile equipment has a functioning signal alarm while backing up.
Furthermore, only properly trained and authorized teammates may use the mobile
equipment they are certified to use. This does requirement does not apply to passengers;
they may only ride on mobile equipment that is equipped to accommodate said
passengers. Also, all passengers and the operator must wear seatbelts if equipped. Scissor
lifts do not have seatbelts, which is fine, but other equipment like forklifts do and need
to be used. If the equipment has an enclosed cab, then no eye protection is needed (it
usually would be without the cab). All mobile equipment must be used within its intended
use and design limits, especially within its established load limit. When carrying a load, it
must be secured for safe transport. Finally, when finished, the operator must shut off the
engine and ensure that the mobile equipment does not require fuel. If it does, then
similar safety logic applies to when gassing a motor vehicle. The engine needs to be shut
off before filling the tank and there should be no open flames or smoking in the
immediate area during fueling. This could cause a combustion hazard that could severely
injure any teammates in the area as well as severely damage the mobile equipment.
As with all other safety issues, all TEAMWRKX Construction Field teammates are provided
mandatory OSHA30 training that covers Hearing Conservation and trains teammates to
Revised: October 2023